A variety of short posts, mostly combining psychoanalytic and energy psychological perspectives

The problem of 'Shanger' and other strange emotion amalgams

In the practice of energy psychotherapy, I have recently identified strange emotional-energetic constellations that remain as indigestible and toxic formations within the human system. They may have something in common with Bion's concept of 'bizarre objects' (Bion, 1962a & 1962b).

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'Jumping to conclusions' - a less commonly recognised feature of ADHD

Behavioural impulsivity is a well-recognized, often quite core, feature of ADHD. What is less commonly appreciated is the cognitive version of this, which takes the form of 'jumping to conclusions'. This occurs when a person bases a rapid conclusion on a superficial or impressionistic appraisal of a situation, or on an inadequate consideration of the relevant facts. A message or communication or piece of information may be misperceived or misunderstood, but the typical ADHD impatience means the person does not take the time and effort to suspend a conclusion until the reality has been properly ascertained. 

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What to do if you realise you have ADHD

Awareness of ADHD has increased enormously in recent years. This has led to many people wondering whether they may have this condition. The truth is that ADHD is a very broad spectrum of features, not all of which may be expressed in a particular individual. There is a great range of severity, from mild to very disabling. 

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Where is the Blue Diamond on the human body?

Here is an image of the location of the Blue Diamond energy centre on the human body - just under the collar bones, and also just under the K27 kidney meridian points. In Blue Diamond Healing, we conceptualise this as the centre of a 12-point grid that covers the human body. These grids are envisaged as repeating fractal patterns throughout the cosmos. The Blue Diamond is always at the centre - providing a direct access to the highest realms. It can be thought of as a portal to a person's highest healing dimensions. In addition, it can be considered the still point at the centre of two counter-rotating merkaba fields. In this way the Blue Diamond can be very helpful as an aid in meditation. Blue Diamond healing can be thought of as a kind of anatomically assisted prayer. A recommended position is to hold two fingers of the left hand on the Blue Diamond point and the other hand on the heart chakra underneath

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What is the Blue Diamond

This image, beautifully created by Steve Glass (2023) and used with permission, shows a constellation of 12-point grids - the true organic tree of life - the deep structure of our higher dimensional incarnation. There is a large 12-point grid that contains 4 smaller 12-point grids. It also displays a series of organic crosses. This particular constellation represents a very high level of the stairway to God-Source. We are all built on these organic grids, although they can undergo various kinds of distortions. At the centre of each 12-point grid is a point I call the Blue Diamond. This Blue Diamond point functions as a structurally direct path to Source. On the human body, this is just under the collar bones in the centre (just under where a tie knot would be). When combined with a prayer-like, humble and sincere stance, the use of words and intention at this Blue Diamond point can have extraordinary effects. If you gaze on this image, it will convey much higher dimensional information, even though you might not consciously decode it. This image can itself be used as a representation of the Blue Diamond.

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